Preprints and Publications
V. Nguyen, C. Özden, K. Dong, A. Torres-Ocampo, N. Dziedzic, D. Flaherty, J. Huang, S. Sankura, N. Abromson, D. Tomchick, J. Chen, S. Garman, M.M. Stratton, (2024) A domain-swapped CaMKII conformation facilitates linker-mediated allosteric regulation. [bioRxiv]
X. Yang..., V. Nguyen..., M.M. Stratton..., R. Daly, (2024) Feed-forward stimulation of CAMK2 by the oncogenic pseudokinase PEAK1 generates a therapeutically ‘actionable’ signaling axis in triple negative breast cancer. [bioRxiv]
D. Narayan..., R. Adafia..., M.M. Stratton..., S. Solbak (2024) Ligand-induced CaMKIIα hub Trp403 flip, hub domain stacking and kinase inhibition. [bioRxiv]
P. Rigter..., M. Dunn..., M.M. Stratton..., G. van Woerden (2024) Role of CAMK2D in neurodevelopment and associated conditions. [PubMed]
C. Özden, S. MacManus, R. Adafia, A. Samkutty, A.P. Torres-Ocampo, S.C. Garman, M.M. Stratton, (2024) Ca2+/CaM dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII)α and CaMKIIβ hub domains adopt distinct oligomeric states and stabilities. Protein Science. ; 33(4):e4960. [Wiley]
C. Özden, R. Sloutsky, T. Mitsugi, N. Santos, E. Agnello, C. Gaubitz, J. Foster, E. Lapinskas, E.A. Esposito, T. Saneyoshi, B.A. Kelch, S.C. Garman, Y. Hayashi, M.M. Stratton, (2021) CaMKII binds both substrates and activators at the active site, Cell Reports, 40, 111064. [PubMed]
R. Sloutsky and M. M. Stratton, (2020) Functional Implications of CaMKII Alternative Splicing, The European Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 10.1111/ejn.14761. [PubMed]
A. P. Torres‐Ocampo, C. Özden, A. Hommer, A. Gardella, E. Lapinskas, A. Samkutty, E. Esposito, S. Garman, M. M. Stratton, (2020) Characterization of CaMKIIα holoenzyme stability, Protein Science, 6, 1524-1534. [PubMed]
R. Sloutsky*, N. Dziedzic*, M. J. Dunn, R. M. Bates, A. P. Torres-Ocampo, S. Boopathy, B. Page, J.G. Weeks, L. H. Chao, M. M. Stratton, (2019) Heterogeneity in human hippocampal CaMKII transcripts reveals an allosteric role for the hub domain in activity regulation, Science Signaling, 13, 641, eaaz0240. [PubMed]
G. Ardestani, M. C. West, T. J. Maresca, R. A. Fissore, M. M. Stratton, (2019) FRET-based sensor for CaMKII activity (FRESCA): A useful tool for assessing CaMKII activity in response to Ca2+ oscillations in live cells, J Biol Chem, 31, 11876-11891. [PubMed]
M. S. Eriksen, O. Nikolanienko, E. I. Hallin, S. Grødem, H. J. Bustad, M. I. Flydal, R. O’Connell, T. Hosokawa, D. Lascu, S. Akerkar, J. Cuéllar, J. J. Chambers, G. Muruganandam, R. Loris, T. Kanhema, Y. Hayashi, M. M. Stratton, J. M. Valpuesta, P. Kursula, A. Martinez, C. R. Bramham, (2019) Molecular determinants of Arc oligomerization and formation of virus-like capsids, bioRxiv, 667956. [bioRxiv]
T. Saneyoshi, H. Matsuno, A. Suzuki, H. Murakoshi, N. G. Hedrick, E. Agnello, R. O’Connell, M. M. Stratton, R. Yasuda, Y. Hayashi, (2019) Reciprocal Activation within a Kinase-Effector Complex Underlying Persistence of Structural LTP, Neuron, 102, 6, P1199-1210.E6. [PubMed]
M. Bhattacharyya*, M. M. Stratton*, Catherine Going*, Yongjian Huang, Ethan McSpadden, Anna Elleman, Pawel Burkhwat, Tiago Barros, Evan Williams, John Kuriyan, (2016) Molecular Mechanism of activation-triggered subunit exchange in human CaMKII, eLife, e13405. [PubMed]
M. M. Stratton*, I. H. Lee*, M. Bhattacharyya, S. M. Christensen, L. H. Chao, H. Schulman, J. T. Groves, J. Kuriyan, (2014) Activation-triggered subunit exchange between CaMKII holoenzymes facilitates the spread of kinase activity, eLife, 3:e01610. [PubMed]
M. M. Stratton, L. H. Chao, H. Schulman, J. Kuriyan, (2013) Structural studies on the regulation of Ca2+/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II, Current opinion in structural biology, 23, 292-301. [PubMed]
L. H. Chao, M. M. Stratton, I. H. Lee, J. Levitz, D. Mandell, T. Kortemme, H. Schulman, J. Kuriyan, (2011) A mechanism for tunable autoinhibition in the structure of a human Ca2+/calmodulin- dependent kinase II holoenzyme, Cell, 146, 732-745. [PubMed]
M. M. Stratton*, S. McClendon*, D. Eliezer, and S. N. Loh, (2011) Structural characterization of two alternate conformations in a Calbindin D9k-based molecular switch, Biochemistry, 50, 5583-5589. [PubMed]
M. M. Stratton and S. N. Loh, (2011) Converting a protein into a switch for biosensing and functional regulation, Protein Science, 20, 19-29. [PubMed]
M. M. Stratton and S.N. Loh, (2010) On the mechanism of protein fold-switching by a molecular sensor, Proteins, 78, 3260-3269. [PubMed]
M. M. Stratton, T. A. Cutler, J. H. Ha, and S. N. Loh, (2010) Probing local structural fluctuations in myoglobin by size-dependent thiol-disulfide exchange, Protein Science, 19, 1587-1594. [PubMed]
M. M. Stratton, D. M. Mitrea and S. N. Loh, (2008) A Ca2+-sensing molecular switch based on alternate frame protein folding, ACS Chem. Biol., 3, 723-732. [PubMed]